

投稿 → 學會收件 → 甄審委員審稿 → 審核意見回覆給作者 → 作者回傳修改後之稿件 → 第二次審稿 → 審核意見回覆給作者 → 作者回傳修改後之稿件 → 編輯 → 出刊



●Editorial Policy

Journal of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases publishes articles related with pediatric pulmonology in English. The articles accepted for publication include original, review articles and case reports. The articles are received on the understanding that the editors are responsible for their acceptance, rejection and order of publication. Original papers should not be published elsewhere.

●Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts should be written according to the ''Style of Manuscripts''. Manuscripts should be sent to: Editorial Committee of Journal of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases. Manuscripts for original papers or case reports should be submitted in triplicate, with three sets of illustrations, including one original and two copies of quality equal to the original. All manuscripts should be type written double-spaced on one side of white A4-size paper with a 25 mm margin on all sides. Authors are encouraged to provide the final version of their manuscript on disk as well as in print form. A Microsoft word-processing format should be submitted.

●Instructions for Authors

  1. The manuscript should be submitted in the following order include a title page, abstract, text, references, figures, tables, legends to figures and tables.
  2. The title page must include: the title; name(s) of the author(s); department(s) and institutional affiliation(s); Key words not to exceed 5 words; abbreviated title (running headline) not to exceed 50 letters and spaces; number of tables and figures; and the address to which correspondence should be sent.
  3. The abstract written in English should be informative, and should not exceed 200 words.
  4. References should be numbered consecutively in legends to figures and tables. The style must conform to the following examples. Names of no more than six authors should be given; If there are seven or more authors, list the first three authors’ names; indicate omission of other names by using “et al”. The names of the journals are abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. In the list of references, papers from journals should be listed as follows.

    ‧Chiang CH, Shen CY, Hsu K. Correlation between cardiopulmonary changes and severity of acute  lung injury in dogs. Crit Care Med 1990; 18:419-422.

    ‧Nemir R.L.: Bronchiectasis. Disorders of the respiratory tract in children, 4 ed, by Kending Jr.E.L.,  Saunders, W.B., Philadelphia, p348-368, 1983.

  5. Figures as well as tables must be consecutively numbered. Legends to figures and tables should be on a new page after the references sections. Figures and tables should be submitted as photographs printed on glossy paper.
  6. The text may be reviewed by the language editor at the expense of the author.